Our Consultants

Reinhold Hofmann
Management Coach, Trainer and Consultant
(Business and Project Management)
Reinhold Hofmann, German. He holds a Masters degree from the University of Colorado and has over 25 years of international consulting experience within DEC and for Compaq, SIEMENS and VUB (plus many others). He is also designing and delivering customized trainings for over 15 years based on 20+ years of executing active management and project management in the high-tech industry (IT, Banking, Public Service, Telecom, Education, Health). LIFO® licensed trainer. Since 1997 general manager of HIC Slovakia. Languages: German, English

Mgr. Silvia Hofmann
Director personal development and marketing
Silvia Hofmann, Slovak. She holds a Masters degree from the Komenius University of Bratislava and has over 5 years of teaching experience. Her professional background started as a helper in an Austrian alpine hut, before she started as a Language Teacher (Slovak, German) for foreign embassies in Slovakia. Besides the translation of news articles she also likes poetry and as such promotes the development of Slovak literature. She is director for languages and speaks Slovak, German, Emglish, French, Italian and Czech.

Juraj Tomovčík
(Sales and Projects)
Juraj Tomovcik, Slovak. He holds a Masters degree from the Conservatorium of Music in Bratislava and has over 5 years of teaching experience. His professional background started as violinist in the Sydney Symphony Orchestra in Australia, before he joined an Australian insurance company as a Sales representative. He returned to Slovakia in 1995 and has since spent most of his effort supporting major banking change projects. Lately he was manager for the translation department of one of the biggest banks in Slovakia. He is a LIFO® licensee, trainer and sales coach. Languages: English, Slovak, German, Czech .